Uganda 2010

Uganda 2010
Kachungwa kids

Africa Team

Africa Team

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

From Uganda

Before I share about what God has done in group while here in Uganda, I would first like to praise God for those who have faithfully covered us in prayers while we have been away. God's Spirit has truly been watching over our team.
I must come straight out and say that the words in this blog will not adequately be able to communicate the way God has moved in my heart and the hearts of our team, all due to the way God is moving in Uganda. Our hearts are so heavy and filled by what we have seen and experienced. Below I will do my best to recap what has happened each day we have been on the ground in Uganda.
Friday- In the morning we arrived at Entebbe Airport. We traveled on a small bus to the headquarters of ARM (African Renewal Ministries) in Gaba. There we were met with great hospitality by the ARM team and Pastor Peter who is the Pastor of Gaba Community Church, which shares a campus with ARM and has many ties to the ministry. It was very good to understand how ARM functions, and to begin to see the impact it is making. It is much bigger than I expected and is run very well. Also on this day we visited the Baby Clinic which houses babies who have abandoned roadside, at hospitals, at police stations, or by deceased families. The experience with these babies was very powerful. We stayed overnight at a bed and breakfast in Gaba.
Saturday - Very early Saturday morning we left Gaba to head to the city of Mubende. Very near to Mubende is the village of Kachungwa, which is heavily connected to through our over 100 child sponsorships, praise God! For the next 3 days we would be spending time here. We were welcomed as our bus pulled up to the remote village by a load of small children who were very anxious and excited to meet us. They were having a large festival of sorts for the children that day and so we were asked to teach the children, and were given a special presentation by the children and their choir. It was a huge treat. It was obvious that the hundreds of children would steal a large portion of our hearts. We stayed the night at a hotel in Mubende, about 30 minutes away.
Sunday - Church on Sunday was dynamic. I saw God in ways that I cannot describe. They worship in spirit and in truth to say the least. Pastor Ken brought a word to the almost 500 of us in the small church, and his words were very much led by the Spirit.

We were amazed at how with 500 attendees from miles around, there was not a single car or motorized vehicle. That evening, we traveled in pairs (with a local pastor to translate) to area homes to pray with them and see the lives they live. I was brought to tears through this. I stepped in homes the size of my garden shed at home. I held a young boy infected with malaria and stomach full of worms, causing it to ascend like a balloon. My heart was broken. I went hut to hut to pray for families who had no other hope but God's intervention. They told me the realities of their dying children which I held in my arms. Of abandonment and loss. But also a deep trust and faith in God by many. With so much against them, they claimed the power of God to overcome. Many gave us gifts of pineapple, bananas, avocados, live chickens, and eggs. Remember that these are people who struggle to feed their children, giving us their best. I was broken. Humbled. Overwhelmed. Thankful but shameful as well. Their faith runs so deep, and mine runs short so easily. My partner and I walk roughly 2 miles and visited 15 homes. I struggled with my emotions and heavy heart the entire way home.

Monday - Monday was packed with a lot to see and experience. We traveled to see a few other ARM sites where children were receiving education, meals, love of God and hope. And each place we went there were over 100 sponsored children... and so many who still need sponsored. It was such an honor to see how God is using the money given by sponsors to make a profound impact. They make $35 go a long way for sure. On this day Pastor Ken and John Beckham spent a few hours under a shade tree teaching and fielding tough questions by the pastors and leaders of the area churches. The women of our group spent time with the women of Kachungwa village encouraging them, praying with them and sharing thoughts on motherhood, leading a family, and being a faithful woman of God. Pastor Rob and I traveled to one of the High Schools to speak to a group of kids and to bring the Gospel and a word of encouragement. In each place we were, there were amazing stories of God working, us attempting to bless them, but being more blessed ourselves. In the evening we spent our last time with the people of Kachungwa. Many of our team members shared precious time with their sponsored children. We ate a meal with the village and enjoyed each other. The children were sad to see us go, and we were very sad to be leaving them. God had grabbed a hold my heart, and invested it here in the village of Kachungwa. Truly my words can't express how my heart feels as I write this.
And so in closing, God has kept us all very safe. He has kept us all well and free of sickness. The only tough circumstance we have faced is understanding and digesting what we have seen and experienced. I mean, right now I am in Africa. It is surreal for sure. I walked hand in hand with 30 children along a village path as the African rain fell upon my face. Their faces beaming and their hearts so pure and innocent, even as their bare feet become muddy and clothes become soaked. Everywhere we drive the children run to wave in excitement for the white visitors, because to them we mean hope of sponsorship. I saw sponsored children pray to God with passion and dedication. These sponsored children were well fed, beaming with hope, an education, and a joy in the Lord. I saw unsponsored children with no shoes, clothes, or hope for a future. However they too beamed with joy. In all, over 75% of the children we encountered were not sponsored. Even as a write this I fight off tears because my heart is so heavy for these children.
Unfortunately I have only skimmed the surface of what we have experienced here. I know that the rest of our team have all had very similar experiences, and hope that by sharing my heart with you I have represented our group as well. We apologize for not writing to you sooner, but internet is very hard to come by, and the electricity is off most of the time, unless they turn on the generator at the hotel. The electricity goes off each night at midnight and is off until evening.
We Praise God for our families at home and miss you very much. We hope that you will continue to be in prayer for us, but most of all would make a dedication to the Lord to pray for the people of Uganda. Pray for the children who are not yet sponsored. Pray that this next generation of Ugandan children will live and lead in faith. The movement of Christ is growing rapidly here, even amidst such hardship and poverty. The journey has but only begun, but God has showed us glory. Praise God!
I apologize for the lack of pictures, but the internet is very slow, and were lucky to upload text. We should have more dependable internet in days to come.


Neal T. 

Ken teaching Kachungwa Pastors
Church at Kachungwa
Canby Pastors and Kachungwa Pastors


  1. Thank you so much for posting! My heart is full reading about all of your experiences, and I'm excited to hear more as you continue to post, and as you bring your experiences home with you. We love you and continue to pray for the team and people you encounter.

  2. Neal, thanks for sharing this. I am so excited to hear and see your report when you get back to Canby. How exciting. I wish that I was there with you.

  3. Wow, this is so touching to read of your great experience. Thank you for sharing and posting your pictures. We will continue to pray for you during the duration of your trip. God Bless You... Russ and Tish
