We are back home now and it’s been 2 weeks since our time in Kachungwa. But the memories of the kind, generous, thoughtful people of the village are still bringing joy to my heart. I am convinced that God orchestrated they events that led to our partnership with Kachungwa and that it was and continues to be the Lord who is calling us to sponsor more children in this village. And it is the Lord who is calling us to have an ongoing relationship with Kachungwa Community Church and the wonderful people in the village. The 3 days we spent visiting them and getting to know them was just the beginning. Our ongoing relationship with the children and the church and the village will be mutually beneficial. There are many way we will be able to work with them in the future to help them become self-sustaining, to help fund a medical clinic so they can be treated for the diseases that now take the lives of so many in the area. To help them build a secondary school so their children won’t have to go away from home just to complete their education. They desire more pastoral and leadership training. The list goes on and on. But we also will be blessed beyond measure by getting to know these people. We have so much to learn from them about their deep, abiding faith in the Lord. Our friendship will continue and grow deeper.
There is something we can do right now to make a difference- and that is to sponsor more children. Please pray with me that God will put it on the hearts of many to make the commitment to give $35 a month to change the future of a child, a village and a nation. Ugandans have to pay to send their children to school - there is no free public education. So many of the children from poor families are unable to attend school without being sponsored. The children who are blessed to have a sponsor attend school and also receive a daily meal and a uniform and shoes. We have seen the difference in those children who are sponsored and those who are not. We were also very impressed with the follow-up and continued care the sponsored children are given. In Kachungwa, Rose is the Social Worker and Solomon is the Project Director. They know and love each of the sponsored children, they visit their homes and keep detailed records of their visits, health records, school records etc. We saw first hand the desire of ARM and Kachungwa is to develop Christian leaders. This is evident in how they value and love and train their children.
Rose |
Solomon and Neal |
Thank you so much for sending us and thank you for your faithful prayer support.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 24th. During both morning services we will be sharing pictures, video and stories of our time in Uganda.
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